Life’s Journey.


Hi!  I’m Sandra, founder of and head encourager at FeSociety. As a life and relationship coach I know the need for connection is essential for a happy, joy-filled and purpose driven life.

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Well, since I have entered the empty-nest stage, I have recaptured the joy-filled life that comes with living life on purpose and with intent. It took a lot of sorting through to know just what I wanted from life, because I found, it has changed a bit since my earlier years (imagine that LOL).

I get it. I get where you are at because I have been there myself. Isolated, disenfranchised, left out, floating through life, getting through each day without purpose. After transitioning from a vibrant and active 20 something teacher to a newly married and soon to be mom in my thirties, I was absorbed with motherhood and then the homeschooling life. But, in the delightful service and love of others, I lost my way. I no longer knew ‘who I was’ or what purpose I was living. The axiom, you can’t pour from an empty cup certainly applied to me. I was showing up in life lacking the confidence I once knew. This impacted my life tremendously and kept me stuck.

Inspired to connect, and knowing I was not alone in this longing, I founded FeSociety. I noticed a pattern among us ladies in the middle of life: we often struggle to take care of ourselves first (fill that empty cup), leading us to live far below our potential in every area of life: work, love, and friendships. Fulfillment seems something way out of reach as we keep putting ourselves off until later…when it is ‘more convenient’; when we have more time and less commitments. But the sad thing is, that time never arrives until we are left with~what happened to my life?~

FeSociety offers a community to help with this journey. The vision to empower women to live their life with purpose in body, mind, heart and soul is the driving force foundational to FeSociety. Women of any age, who desire to regain confidence and empowerment will find help at FeSociety to help you live an inspired and joy-filled life.